I took a giant step! I`m mighty proud of me. Today, I am the man I had to be. Those apron strings at last are cut. It`s like I grew some wings And flew out of my Oedipal rut. I leaped a giant leap! I made the winning play. It ain`t July, but hey, It`s Independence Day! No more `Sonny Boy`, It`s `Mister Albert P.` I took a giant step, A self reliant step, A brave defiant step and I`m free! I climbed a giant peak, A daring thing to do. I`m way up high, oh Rosie, What a view! I see the future and it`s bright. It`s no more `Mama anything you say` From morning till night. I took a giant step! A wimpy kid no more, You never saw a turnaround like this before. It`s just one small step for mankind. But for me, It was a forceful step, a most resourceful step, A bold and brassy step, A sassy, classy step, A self reliant step, A brave defiant step. I took a giant step And I`m free.