Behind this gates, besides of valley They planing the final battle Demons and angels into yours human carcass Preparing the weapons and drink the acient vive The wait for this eternal war Where the camp is you and me Screaming for pain The war is coming of your lives Into the dark hort Screaming with hate for break The trumpets of heaven Feel this hate grow and coming your dark strong Because we need the victory To thraw dow the heavean hordes God feeling himself he pury of your creation We're ready soldiers of satan Burning and catching the valley we dispost Finish with this war Fighting as the last angel is fallen This bestial fury belong us Move us, invensible for god disgrace Coming for north Coming for south Into this valley This forest around Shadows of war Shadows of war Coming for east Coming for west Into the mountains The evil hurts Is coming for us Is coming for us This souls i drive into the dark post Her never more exist Union for the only master Refeel yur fear Because a only one king exist Jerusalem, fallen in disgrace The weak rebellion fortify us I am supreme victorious Where the dark empire reign before your eyes Attack with hate Destroyed all fate Massacre this bastards Speel the blood on the floor Attack with fire Burning all the villages Bring the angels heads for me Burning your eyes with this shine Burn your souls with pain