Pursuing the dream they were handed at birth And it festered within their spoon-fed mind Not knowing better And not looking further Than breathing and paychecks And wasting their time No unrest for the wicked Uniform conformity Is whats to be expected If they plan to be No unrest for the wicked Uniform conformity Is whats to be expected If they plan to be like everybody else! dare to be different like everybody else! Indi-vi-dual like everybody else! If theyre all so different Then why do they all look the same? Pursuing the dream they were handed at birth And it festered within their spoon-fed mind Not knowing better And not looking further Than breathing and paychecks And wasting their time No unrest for the wicked Uniform conformity Is whats to be expected If they plan to be No unrest for the wicked Uniform conformity Is whats to be expected If they plan to be like everybody else! dare to be different like everybody else! Indi-vi-dual like everybody else! If theyre all so different Then why do they all look the same?