Bernard Butler


Bernard Butler

Don't hold me to these words
Cos to you they could mean anything
But to me they are my everything
I need to spin the world

Don't hold me to these words
Cos they'll hurt you more than melodies
But to me they're more than empathy
I cling to every verse

Don't drive along these roads
Cos they'll take you to a precious glade
Where troubled minds release their pain
And never tell a soul

Don't hold me in your arms
Cos I needed that more yesterday
But I need you now and I'll not complain
Just don't read every word

If you feel the same
You should let it all out now
And if you feel the same
Then you should let me know right now

Inside I'm open
I just never learnt how to get it all out
Inside I'm all hope
I just never learnt how to get it all out