Jazz Butcher


Jazz Butcher

Marnie's got a problem 
She wants to keep a lion in her room 
She's going crazy 
She's going to get in trouble soon 
She's going crazy 
Her bedroom wall looks just like Regent's Park 
She's going crazy 
She hunts for tiny creatures after dark 

Feline fury of the jungle 
Stripey death from Bangladesh 
Marnie's going to get in trouble 
She's going to end up in a mess 
Oh Marnie, you're so charming 
I never could avoid you if I tried 
You're so disarming 
I love the way you blink your precious eyes 
But you're so crazy 
I have to tell you now before its too late 
You're going crazy 
You'll end up on some savage creature's plate 


Marnie, understand me 
They're not just everyday big moggies. 
Marnie, these are big and wild: 
They don't go "meow" 


Now Marnie has a problem 
She wants to keep a panther in her tiny upstairs flat 
And not just any pather 
Uh-oh, Marnie wants it black 
I'm going really haywire 
All I want's my girlfriend back 

And I say 


Yes yes