Jazz Butcher


Jazz Butcher

He checks into his hotel room, he unpacks and folds his trousers 
He is neat and he is tidy, likes to have his private bathroom 
He will wash and go to dinner, he will have the steak and mushroom 
Then he will go back upstairs and read a while in his hotel room 
Regular English-speaking gentleman on holiday 

He is kind and tips the waiters, neat, polite and always helpful 
He will rise and go to breakfast, then he will turn in his roomkey 
Spends his day observing, never rash or over-zealous 
He will ask how he can get to special points of local interest 

He would never dare abuse the hospitality he's given 
He can see the people working, he knows he must not disturb them 
He knows that their work is needed by the people of their country 
He appreciates that silence in the workplace is essential 

He will paint a watercolor of the public recreation park 
Where the mothers take their children, happy children, pretty children 
He has no transistor radio to disturb the pleasant morning 
He will not remove his camera when he's near those installations 

In the evening you can hear him typing typing typing letters 
To his colleagues back in England, green and pleasant home in England 
He will type it all correctly, neat and tidy, write politely 
He will try to give a picture of his life in far-off countries 

Regular English-speaking gentleman on holiday 
Regular English-speaking gentleman won't go away