Jazz Butcher

Real Men

Jazz Butcher

See them leering at the women 
See them staring at the girls 
Making stupid secret gestures 
And shouting stupid senseless words 
Oh, they're stronger than a sheet of metal 
And they're in the rugby club reserves 
They buy the wife a birthday kettle 
These are strong men getting on my nerves 

Real men, real men from hell 
Real men, real men from hell 
Faster than a speeding bullet 
See them leaping off that train 
All their clothes are stained and dirty 
All their girlfriends are ashamed 
Real men like to go to the boozer 
They play bad darts and they drink bad beer 
They get too drunk they look for trouble 
And they ask punk rockers if they're queer 
( wot you got that hat on for? ) 


All these narrow-minded sun-fed suckers 
They're ignorant and they're kept that way 
It suits the prats who pay their money 
So that is how they're going to stay 

Those real men beat on blacks and faggots 
Real men stalk in every town 
Flash and feisty, mean and nasty 
Those real men really get me down 


Wouldn't happen in China 

Real men, real men from Spain 
Real men, real men from Mars 
Real men, real men from hell 
Real men, real men from Hull 
Real men, real men from Leeds 
Real men, real men from hell 
Real men, real men from hell 
Real men, real men from hell