Jazz Butcher


Jazz Butcher

If you're hungry, eat your dinner 
If you're thirsty, have a drink 
If you're lonesome, do a jigsaw 
If you're angry, stop and think 
But if you're an elephant 
And there are those of us who are elephants 
This is what you do 
You say 
Has the elephant had any water 
Has the elephant had any water 
Life is short and it's always getting shorter 
So think about the elephant and buy him a drink 
Has the elephant had any water 
Has the elephant had any water 
Life is short and it's always getting shorter 
So talk to the elephant and see what he thinks 
He thinks water (water) water (water) water (water) water (water) 
Water (water) water (water) w-w-w-w-wwww... 

Has the elephant had any water 
Has that elephant had any water 
Life is short and it's always getting shorter 
So think about the elephant and give him a drink 
Has the elephant had any water 
Has the elephant got any shorter 
Don't care if you look like Dracula's daughter 
Talk to the elephant and see what he thinks 
Think about the elephant and give him a drink 
Talk to the elephant 
Because he thinks about...drink