
Cold contagious


Tom: C

INTRO and Verses:

    E            C                                                            


    A5        C5      G5    F5    G5    F5                                    

Simple huh?


BAND: Bush
SONG: Cold Contagious
CD: Razorblade Suitcase





The Verses are just EXTREAMLY loose versions of this:


Just fool around with this playin stuff with open strings and stuff.
Pretty much everything sounds right!!


(bolds=P.M. chords)

Chorus: (distorted)


--play only this twice--

1st time:

All Guitars back to Verse.

2nd time:

------play 3 times------


( ^pick 12 as fast as possible)----------------------------------|
(Also, flick the toggle rapidly while playing 12)

--X------------------------------------|(just fill the end of this with
-X-------------------------------------|feedback and bends)


Bass plays a little riff.
Lead plays loose riffs. (those real high notes you hear here are played
behind the nut)

After all that, Rhythm plays this alone:



--play this till end-

(at the end of each measure, all instrements stop)


where ever you are
you will carry always
truth of the scars
and the darkness of your faith
slowly move on
how did we get to here
it all went wrong
gravity claiming all your tears
everything looks
so much better now
you will get yours
you have no right
to ask me now
you were never that around
i have missed
reality day trips and your
suit me suit me ways
turn ou the light switch
we've been awak for days
and no one's coming around
here no more
you will get yours
you have no right
to calm me down
you were never that around
i have missed
cold contagious
all the mighty, mighty men
what you save is what
you lose out in the end
cold contagious
paint your perfect day
i don't mind this
i'm better off by the way
deeply grounded
you will get yours
cold contagious
all the mighty, mighty men
what you save is what you lose
out in the end
cold contagious