Carried your picture with me Halfway round the world, Just can't run from the memory There'll never be another girl, It's on fire Isn't that combustion... Could've been a hundred years ago Or half an hour just today Just can't run from the shadow It's a bitch how it seems to stay It's on fire Isn't that combustion... If ever I ever I ever I ever I try again Wouldn't take me so long Wouldn't take too long If ever I'd ever I'd ever I'd ever I'd cry again Honey take me too long Where you been so long? Burnin' , flame come higher Burnin' , got a sweet soul tryer Burnin', mmmmmmm... Burnin', got a flame comin' higher, Burnin', got a sweet soul tryer, Burnin', show me 'bout fire... Carried your picture with me Halfway around the world, Just can't run from the shadow Never be another girl, It's on fire, Isn't that combustion... Combustion...burnin' me up... a flame goin higher... Combustion...