shades moving under my feet, the whisper of the wind call me to die, the dew falls from the sky to my face and the deepness from his voice drowns my shout, I walk without a light and i think about what is going to happen in my next steep, something takes me and despoils me from my innocence, naked I give my self to the warm of his spell, and his throat spit my curse, you will not leave my arms clean, cause my descendants already run through your veins, 20 steeps far from me will be enough, for your body to get lost in this ravenous land, do not think it do not dream it, because i can be your worst nightmare , if your heart don't honor my name. why to leave me here if your power is so huge that far beyond the horizon your scream will be my silent, set me free and i will honor your shield, and your sons will drink my life until the flesh of my body will rip why should I believe in you, if I'm waiting a nest for my essence more than 2 centuries, I've been persecuted and blamed and only the forest lodged my rage. trust me, because I'm already yours, I'm not going to think of other except on you, because your arms will guide my life, slowly my desperation grow up with my body, and to that king from darkness, I'm not going to do what he want, because he cut my life and his descendants aren't going to kill any one else no don't do it, i give you my eternity, i prefer to die by a knife of justice that to live with the death as a lover.