Burning Spear

Any River

Burning Spear

Down by the riverside. 
Down by the riverside, 
Oh I love a girl. I love her so, 
I really, really want her to know. 

She could be from Africa 
She could be from America 
She could be from Jamaica 

All I know I love a girl. 
Oh I love a girl. I love her so, 
I really, really want her to know. 

/: Don't break this heart that love you 
Don't break this heart that love you 
And neither tear it apart 
I love you, oh yes, it's true, dear 
I will hold you tight tonight 

Have something real nice to say, 
Have something real nice to say, 
We will hold hands in hands 
We will sing, I think, happy songs. 
We will be, I think, side by side 
Down by the riverside 
The beautiful riverside