Burning Spear

As It Is

Burning Spear

start singing in the late sixtees
Told about Studio One by Bob Marley
Music went up down and around

Did someone remember Burning Spear
Did someone remember
Did someone remember Burning Spear
Did someone remember him

The music attention
Was in a different direction
Not a burning direction
Spear been through his struggle
With a lot of patience and discipine
never bow down


I've been through the struggle
like everyone
Like the earlier musicians
Blues musicians
Jazz musicians
Reggae musicians
I was going back and forth
From St. Anns to Kingston
Thirteen Brentford Road


Many times I ain't got no bus fair
Therefore got to hitch-ike on truck back
I am the stone that builders refused
I am the stone that builders refused

They put me aside
They passed me by
Thinking I would cry
Stone don't cry
Stone don't cry
Usually sit on Key Largo beach
Playing my bongos and eating ital stew


The few soldiers that know me
They're either from Rough House
or Soft House
Talk about Key Largo beach

