Burning Spear

Statue Of Liberty

Burning Spear

In the early fifties and sixties and
American strechted forth her hands
And welcome us all
Yes we built and now they refuse us
Yes we can clean it and now they refuse us
Yes they mark us, they su su su
Yes we been there with good intention
Yes we been there with a working
Yes we been there with a educational
Yes we been there

So many different nationalities been
There too
Never been treated like we do
Never been handled like we do
Never been talked about like we do

We have a no intention to bomb threat
No intention to hijacking
No intention to hostage holding

Statue of liberty light up your torch
So we can see

If it is a international problem
We want to see
It it is a political problem
We want to see
If it is a island problem
We want to see
If it is a continental problem
We want to see


If i am right than i should be right
If i am wrong no argument
Remember people the statue stand
For equal rights and justice


We were picking apples many years ago
Picking grapes many years ago
Hospital workers many years ago
Housekeepers many years ago


It's not like we begging or demanding
It's not like we begging or demanding
It's just an example
It's just an example



In the forties and the fifties no one
Was fair
In the sixties people start to share
In the seventies we were there
In the nineties immigration get scared