We sail the seven seas leaving no gold behind The cannon roar on the starbord rail as we're sailing through the night Hooks for hands, and wooden legs a fear will spread on every bay Tooth of gold, scum of the seas we're sailing through the night Hi-ho, the wind will blow Hi-ho the heads will roll hi-ho the blood will flow as we're sailing through the night We search for gold in hidden caves the map will lead us on our way to treasures on another bay through the night we sail away We board their ships and take what we can We throw them into the sea The sharks will end their miserable lives as we're sailing through the night Hi-ho, the wind will blow Hi-ho the heads will roll Hi-ho the blood will flow as we're sailing through the night Reload the cannon you dirty rat the ship is getting away The gold will be lost, and the women too so hurry up you dirty rat Raise the sails and smell the air of acrid smoke and sweet decay Our mighty ship the waves will bear Through the night we sail away Rum for me and rum for you let's drink for victory another ship has met our curse as we're sailing through the night Hi-ho, the wind will blow Hi-ho the heads will roll Hi-ho the blood will flow as we're sailing through the night