Burning Darkness

The Graveyard

Burning Darkness

The moonlight reveals the gates to the graveyard 
to the grounds where evil transcends 
Trace your path to the past when the warlocks 
ruled this lands 

A woman in black speaks to you saintly 
'til you realise she doesn't have a heart 
This evil woman stand laughing on sorrow 
By her side stands a black phantom dog 

As you're stumbling among tombstones and inverted crosses 
You're reached by the smell of burnt flesh 
You recall hearing about a witch burning children 
over fire 

The night is upon you, you don't have a clue where to run 
nor to hide 
The nigh unthinkable horrors of all time 
They're all here 

My fear is tremendous, my hair has gone white 
As I look through a hole in the ground 
Down below, I behold the hellfires, rising still 

I'm shaking and trembling like never before 
I wish I was anywhere else 
a pretty, young girl in a white dress 
reaches out for my hand 

Somewhere I hear the sound of an organ 
The lament of a skeleton hand 
As a tree stands ablazed on at hill with people 
hanged from ropes 

As zombies pass and witches scream I walk to the altar 
My slid open throat makes my dark liquid blood 
to stain this rock 

Through shadows ablaze 
from a never seen place 
I return to the graveyard again 
As my life shifts from done 
I thought darkness was gone 
Then I hear the fury of the Judgement drums