Burning Darkness

Stake through the heart

Burning Darkness

They increase in number due to multiple embraces 
They're signified by fangs and pale, corpselike faces 
They sleep during the day inside coffins hidden in dark places 
As they rise by dawn the world suffers from their vicious gazes 

They can cloak themselves by appearing as mist 
and sneak up on you to drink blood from neck and wrist 
Weakening the strength of each victim they've kissed 
to enslave the feeble humanity with great list 

Over the lands death will ride as all life will subside 
The Vampires' desire for taking over is, oh, so strong 
Now the time has come for their masks to be thrown aside 

The only way to stop 'em is with a 
Stake through the heart 
They're immortal, but they can't survive a 
Stake through the heart 
but you won't find it easy to place that 
Stake through the heart 
The Vampires are mighty and don't like 
Stakes through their hearts 

They hunt for you under the darkened sky 
Will you fight them back or break down and cry? 
Their apparation calls for a heart-attack rather than a starteled sigh 
Did you guess this verse was gonna end with: Die! 

Their undead army has risen to pick a fight 
with all you humans who feel the chills of fright 
a vampiric kingdom in every line of sight 
They're the royalties of the opposite side of the light 

No one'll help, even though you've cried as your downfall and their uprise will coincide 
Your only chance, humans, to prepare for a night so long, 
is probably to run away and try to hide, 

if you're not prepared to run some 
Stakes through their hearts 
nor garlic or crucifix can match a 
Stake through the heart 
and holy water is lame compared to a 
Stake through the heart 
Most effective, just like sunlight is a 
Stake through the heart 

Stake through the heart 
and blade through the soul 
or these mighty demons will swollow you whole 
You've got to stop their black art 
because their goal 
is for this evil to be in control 

They're evil and they drink blood and detest 
Stakes through their hearts 
They get grumpy when they're disturbed in their rest by a 
Stake through the heart 
You probably don't even dare to thrust a 
Stake through the heart 
Just sit there and pray while they 
Take you like sharks