Burn Victim

Pure Porno

Burn Victim

Can you smell the sex in the air
Everyone is fucking everywhere
Driven by my libido to fuck
My cock is hard and needs to be sucked
Vixens dressed in garter belts
High heed shoes and latex skirts
Crotchless panties and gas masks
Midgets and donkeys aren't for me
A hard bodied starlet is what I need
Slamming my cock deeper
She blacks out and whimpers
It's simple pure fucking porno to me
Can you smell the sex in the air
Everyone is fucking everywhere
Driven by my libido to fuck
My cock is hard and needs to be sucked
Vixens dressed in garter belts
High heeled shoes and latex skirts
Fishnet stocking and body suits
Crotchless panties and gas masks
It's simple pure fucking porno to me