Oh, I wish I had some-one to love me Some-one to call me their own Oh, I wish I had some-one to live with 'Cause I'm ti-red of liv-in' a-lone Oh, please meet me to-night in the moon-light Please meet me to-night all a-lone For I have a sad sto-ry to tell you It's a sto-ry that's nev-er been told I'll be car-ried to the new jail to-mor-row Leav-ing my poor dar-ling all a-lone With the cold pris-on bars all a-round me And my head on a pil-low of stone Now I have a grand ship on the o-cean All mount-ed with sil-ver and gold And be-fore my poor dar-lin' would suf-fer Oh! That ship would be an-chored and sold Now if I had wings like an an-gel O-ver these pri-son walls I would fly And I'd fly to the arms of my poor dar-lin' And there I'd be wil-ling to die