Burl Ives

Peter Grey

Burl Ives

Once on a time there lived a man,
His name was Peter Gray;
He lived way down in that there town
Called Penn-syl-va-ni- a.

Blow ye winds of morning,
Blow ye winds heigh- o,
Blow ye winds of morning,
Blow, blow, blow.

Now Peter fell in love all with
A nice young girl,
The first two letters of her name
Were Lucy, Annie, Pearl.

Just as they were gwine to wed
Her father did say no;
And quin-ci-cont-ly she was sent
Beyond the Oh-i-o.

When Peter heard his love was lost,
He knew not what to say,
He'd half a mind to jump into
The Susquehan-i-a.

But he went traveling to the west
For furs and other skins;
Till he was caught and scal-pi-ed
By blood-i In-ji-ins.

When Lucy-Annie heard the news,
She straightway took to bed,
And never did get up again
Until she di-i-ed.

You fathers all a warning take,
Each one as has a girl;
And think upon poor Peter Gray
And Lucy, Annie, Pearl.