Burial Vault

Weapon Without a Choice

Burial Vault


No liberty for the masses


My function was to find out
New system to protect humans
To bring more security

I was the engineer
For a new era of surveillance

In times of egomania and hypocrisy
All the world seemed to be corrupt
Conniving and dangerous

The menace was in every corner
People didn’t know who to trust
What to think
Or whom to follow

The gap between the rich and the poor
Grew bigger
A two class society was born

The rich became victims of their own greed
While the poor fought for their existence
As long as people live in fear
They’re manipulative
So the affluent ones
Tried to stoke the fears of the weak
To enact new laws
These laws should bring more safety
But they just made the public
More glassy

The government wanted
To be omnipresent
I developed techniques
For their ideas

Now could follow every footstep
With their interception-machine

When times became harder
A new breed of surgents
Started their rebellion
Against the observation regime

Most of them were put away
Before they could cause substantial changes
A minor treatment

By taking material about these riots out
Of context
And by broadcasting it
The regnancy wanted to seed more anxiety


Ready for anything
The public allowed
New ‘safety measures’

I had always been the tool
To fulfill their plans
But now my employers
Wanted me to leave

Driven by their persecution complex
They realized that
Even I became a risk
I knew too much about their monitoring system
After years of supervising
I understood what I did
The total violation of privacy

I misused the fears of the infirm
To quiet the paranoia of the strong
I was trapped in this world
That I generated

No longer free to do what I want

It was impossible to stop this progress
Those things which were thoughts
Can never be unthought

An evolution backwards
The downward spiral