Since time immemorial Mankind tries to ‘correct’ From its point of view Plants and creatures Don’t seem to be perfect ‘The pride of Creation’ Humans carry things too far Their megalomania fathomless Their greed is never satisfied So human beings start vandalizing Their natural environment By studying their roots They set up a theory of evolution The examinations show That mutation defines the biological progression This fact causes a huge fascination They started some experiments With vegetables and animals Breeding new races A competition at the cost of a virgin earth Ruthless, cold-blooded and disrespectful Towards flora and fauna They dismember their surroundings Just striving to dominate God’s creation With every step they take They go deeper into the secrets of genetic To dublicate life Now human beings annul the nature Defying their evolution Theory Men laugh into the face of a God that They’ve created Now that he is obsolete Outmoded The domination of God’s creation Delusions of grandeur Men laugh into the face of a God that They’ve created Now that he is obsolete Outmoded