Ignorance, intolerance No acceptance from your vicinity Nonobservance, ejection You are trapped but you want to flee Ostracized and disdained Your life feels like a heavy burden Social exclusion Is part of your daily routine You’re searching for recognition But no one regards you Not anybody You start creating your own world A world that exists in your head Where you can not be passed over No outcast anymore The illusion grows inside your mind You want it to be real All shall be left behind Forgotten You’re going deaf, dumb and blind Totally numb Depressive You lose relation to reality It begins to dawn on you The only to find peace of mind Is to fulfill your desire It’s going to dominate you Lost Possessed Driven by your phantasmagoria You start to execute it Now it’s time for revenge They all must pay For what they’ve done Nobody knew your name But from this day forth Everyone will know who you are You thought it would Be your catharsis Too see all your Tormentor’s suffer You’ve lost yourself In animosity And there is still no other person Than yourself Look at you now You’re still alone Your face will be remembered Remembered as an icon of indignity Indignity You couldn’t change What hurt you the most And now this horrible pain hurts you Even more Ignorance, intolerance Nonobservance, ejection Social exclusion Defines you