Burial Vault


Burial Vault

Left alone - without perspective
Outsiders of society - easy prey

Pseudo-communion, brotherhood - pretended
Feigned protection and friends
Everyone's equal
But some are more equal than others

These ideas will never die
You can ban so many parties
But these cowards will always realign
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Craven mentors - the cover is the crowd
'Cause narrow minded fear the foreign
A fear that's known as xenophobia

They pick up the weak
As they search affiliation
Brainwash them with paroles
Make false accusations

Slaves to their angst
Victims of their odium

They misuse group dynamics
And the power of speech
Turn men into robotics
Suck 'em out - like a leech

In search for shelter
From their own issues

Hiding in their
Pseudo-communion, hostility in disguise
These betrayers of the feeble
Exclusion - the fee for inclusion?

These ideas will never die
You can ban so many parties
But these cowards will always realign
Like will to like

Craven mentors - the cover is the crowd
'Cause narrow minded fear the foreign
A fear that's known as xenophobia