Burial Vault

Adopted Creed

Burial Vault

At any time, the news show us
The instability within society
They say the danger's almost everywhere
There's no resort
We walk this path without an escort

Adopted creed - they awe and daunt us
Proceed to foist new fear
Adopted creed? - injected creed
Just to make us amenable

Vengeance of nature
Rivers overflow their banks - polar caps melt
Moving tectonic plates - the earth quakes

Adopted creed - they awe and daunt us
Proceed to foist new fear
Adopted creed? - injected creed
Just to make us amenable

Where is the steadiness that we had once?
Or is it just a misbelief in something that never was?

Longing for a force - able to guide us
People are in search for God
But is the organized church
Just another scare monger?

The tongues of the leaders of sects are split
Deception - It's just about a bottomless pit

They won't give in - they will persist
Christ, muslim, zionist, islamist, baptist

When people live in mess and pertubation
Anguish - volitional obfuscation

Can we discern between hand and fist
Christ, muslim, zionist, islamist, baptist

All over the place, a search for healing
And deliverance from this disorder
Driven into the mouth of greed
Clouding the difference
Superstition or faith

Adopted creed - they awe and daunt us
Proceed to foist new fear
Adopted creed? - injected creed
Just to make us amenable