Burial Place

Ancient Gods

Burial Place

Sacrifice for Gods 
Sacrifice for them 
Sacrifice for needs 
Sacrifice for everything 

Thousand and thousand years ago 
Ignorance and stupidity reigned everywhere 
and human race was surrounded boundless fears 
(and for everyone of this) created a God 

Between two rivers Gods were born 
Behind the sky "Anu" god of sky 
Behind the space "Enlil" god of air 
Behind the depths "Apsu" god of abyss 

Sons of Inferior Race 
Needs for nature of God 
to deafet their fears 
to search their salvation 

The stupid believers 
Think about idols 
They were almighty 
and ubiquitous 
but they didn't know 
(their) Fears create imaginary Gods 
Superior Race 
Can't deafeat their fears