Time had come, years ago, Mr micro changed the world then you could avoid TV, now you need a small PC just connect to the net, (you) can explore the universe need some porn? do you love sex? any kind of taste you've got you can see the pictures, you can watch the movies you can choose the website and select your music you can meet the people, you can see the rock stars any kind of stuff you want is available to you... but USE you better use just YOUR It's botta be your BRAIN just your F... Brain LEAVE and try to avoid it THEIR what they really do SHIT what they treat as gold BE you gotta see just YOUR don't be influenced SELF gotta be yourself JUST you will need to use YOUR what your mother gave you WITS: It's within your brain Now you can see the show be a fan or be a star be a leader for your friends, or a frontman of a band if you want anything, you can find what you need everything's on the web, you can watch and you can bet you can lose your money, you can buy your glory looking for a new life till it's getting boring just look what you can reach, maybe it's not so real in this time of fake freedom you will choose (your) junk to eat... [Chorus]