I hear the calling of wind and fire in the echoes of the song of oak when the steams rise from the woods Chilly rain, cold crystal dew memories are returning through and through I am coming back to my roots Sleeping spirit of my survival dozing deep in my heart You hear the elders cry, the keepers of Yggdrasill die Chorus: I feel the burning fire The flames rising to the sky The ardour of my desire I feel the pulsing heart Shed rivers of blood The spirit for which warriors died I see Mother Nature walks the Earth The berserkers fight with ancestral pride I hear the calling of wind and fire in the echoes of the song of oak when the steams rise from the woods Chilly rain, cold crystal dew memories are returning through and through I am coming back to my roots Sleeping spirit of my survival dozing deep in my heart You hear the elders cry, the keepers of Yggdrasill die Chorus: I feel the burning fire The flames rising to the sky I hear the Einhejar's cry I feel the pulsing heart Shed rivers of blood Our spirit will never die I see Mother Nature walks the Earth The berserkers fight with ancestral pride I was born from our blood and soil The son of Sun ring The child of the runes Born to suffer, born to win... Freya's heart, Wotan's eye I hear the calling...