The illness of Everyman Hypnotic skeleton mass.Plastification breeds suffocation.Delirious vision of an idol's perfection.The mirror effect does not always reflect the objective.Obsession swallowing up violently the whole self-esteem. Self-hatred leading to isolement.Perseverance is useless, Passion forgotten is now erased.Hard accumulation throughout the day,evacuation seems so peaceful.This appalling storm is now a part of yourself.Worrying for the sound of YOUR COLLAPSE.Immidiate activation, she opens her eyes again.Defective video spreading echo voices.Swallow : The illness of EVERYMAN.Delirious vision of an idol's perfection.Illusion of happiness.You must suffer to be beautiful.Mutilation of a despised body.Hung up, annihilated, this burden seems so heavy.Surgical use to put an end to this storm.Metamorphosed human being : the winning combination to hide the monster inside.Rebuilt from head to foot : forever imprisoned the evil inside.Perseverance is