-- Spoken: "Okay now, get ready here's your part. Now listen to me." It was a reggae accident I said a reggae accident I can't here you A reggae accident A reggae accident A reggae accident Now make room for the band A reggae accident Here they come here they come A reggae accident I say make room for them A reggae accident Ha ha, look out now It was a reggae accident A reggae accident This is not a political statement Nor is it a farce In the land of the great bald bird The rasta man is sparse He does not like our urban jungle Or our capitalistic nightmare He does not believe in auto insurance Mon I don't believe that is fair It was a reggae accident Four rastas in a rambler A reggae accident They came from out of nowhere A reggae accident They were smoking some spliff cigars A reggae accident They totaled out my car I lost the case that sealed my fate Last week in municipal court The judge ruled for rasta restitution Of a most peculiar sort Now there's four stoned faces at my dinner table And my wife wonders how come She does not mind the extra mouths to feed As much as she minds those after dinner drums We sing was a reggae accident Four rastas eating pasta A reggae accident Pass the parmesan please A reggae accident How does a rasta spell relief A reggae accident No problem mon, pass the spliff Oh reggae down... Now the sun shines on the isle of Jamaica As it's done since time began No problem says the rasta mon When I asked to join his band You see I sold my house I quit my job I left that narrow-minded wife And I moved to the island of Jamaica ya Just to live that rasta life It was a reggae accident Four rastas in a rambler A reggae accident They came from out of nowhere A reggae accident They were smoking some spliff cigars A reggae accident Now I've become a rasta star It was a reggae accident Look out world A reggae accident You know the harder they come A reggae accident The harder they fall one and all A reggae accident It was just an accident one day A reggae accident A reggae accident A reggae accident A reggae accident -- Spoken: "Come back, come back to Jamaica Come back to the way things used to be Ya, ya let's play some dominoes now mon Come on..."