Glory, glory, hallelujah His truth is marching on This is a strange but true story Which proves that history Does repeat itself And the events depicted here Happened just one hundred years apart Both President Lincoln And President Kennedy Were concerned with The issue of civil rights Lincoln was elected In eighteen hundred sixty Kennedy was elected In ninteen hundred sixty One hundred years apart Both were shot from behind in the head Their successors both named Johnson Were Southern Democrats With seats in the Senate Andrew Johnson was born In eighteen hundred and eight Lyndon Johnson was born In nineteen hundred and eight One hundred years apart John Wilkes Booth The man that shot Lincoln Was born in 1839 Lee Harvey Oswald The man that shot Kennedy Was born in 1939 One hundred years apart Booth and Oswald were Southerners Favoring unpopular ideas Booth and Oswald were both Assassinated before going to trial Both presidents wives Log on to kill this message. Lost children through death While in the White House Both presidents were killed on a Friday And in the presence of their wives President Lincoln's secretary Whose name was Kennedy Advised him not to go to the theater President Kennedy's secretary Whose name was Lincoln Advised him not to go to Dallas John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln In a theater and ran to a warehouse Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy From a warehouse and ran to a theater The names Lincoln and Kennedy Each contain seven letters The names Andrew Johnson And Lyndon Johnson each Contain thirteen letters The names John Wilkes Booth And Lee Harvey Oswald Each contain fifteen letters And friends, it is true History does repeat itself His truth is marching on