So much to talk about, too little time on my own, So much to think about, too little reason to say, There's so much that I feel, so much that's there to ignore, Acquaintance and history. Mistakes that were made and let go, You always let me down and I always get you wrong We're too busy tearing ourselves apart To see what we had all along To say something wonderful, I need something beautiful now, I'm feeling so wasted and worthless for you. The praise and the poetry, the nails that I hooked through your skin, The love and the tragedy, the time put in no one can steel, Too far to walk alone, too far to carry a load, To hear myself think again, Thinking so much that I drink myself away, Away from the cynics I see. You always let me down and I always miss your point, We're too busy tearing ourselves apart, To see what we had in our hands. So say something wonderful I need something beautiful now, I'm feeling so wasted and worthless, Banging my head on the wall, Thinking the worst of it all, Self-pity owns me once more, Trying to escape from it all. Say something now. I need something now. I think the storms' over now, I think that it's safe to come out, I think that I need you now.