Hello Hello everybody Hello yea Can I have your attention please? Yes, please, can I have you attention? For a second...thank you Now, we are BS2000 coming from the cost of the USA And what we want you to do is a little dance called The Side to Side Are you ready? Now, we want you to think back Think back about your uncle Think back about your aunt And think about how they'd Put their hands on their hips Doing the little dance It's called the Side to Side Are you ready to put your hands together? -Yeah C'mon! Everybody together now... Here we go Now, do you feel good? -Alright Real good? -Outta sight How don't you feel? -Uptight You want to fight? -Not Tonight You funky chicken? -Kentucky Fried You happy now? -Satisfied Now what you doin'? -The Side to Side And what's the Dance? -The Side to Side yeah looking good ahan C'mon, yea That's the way we want you to do it We want you to look to the person to the left We want you to look to the person on the right Ladies and Gentlemen Gentlemen and Ladies C'mon Now We are doing the Side to Side It feels right Outta sight Aw yea ahan Yea, alright Alright, alright thank you everybody Its been a wonderful evening I want to thank y'all Please, please Drive safely in your way home BS2000 We love y'all Take care, be safe, alright