Boys from the street, slum childs come in here together
Boots wrapped in rope and wire
And black hands in cold leather

But i am not one of them. no, i am not one of them
But they all know me by name. they all know me by name

Men in the aisles, closed eyes and gold dust on their fingers
They say soon god will come, so hold your tongue
Don’t let your vices linger
They say elijah was carried off,
Caught up in a chariot made of flame
So we too will ride in cars that shine
If you name it, it’s yours to claim

But i am not one of them. no, i am not one of them
But they all know me by name. they all know me by name

Girls from the corner, coming from the corinthian quarters
That’s my place on jackson
The preacher and the politician, the working man
They come looking to me, they come asking
I know soon god will come and even if i run
His horsemen bound to find me
He’ll ask me why i’ve done the things i’ve done
And i’ll tell him you made the mouths i feed

And i’ll say, i am not one of them
I am not one of them

But he’ll turn to me and say,
Oh, i don’t know you by name!
No, i don’t know you by name!

And i’ll think to myself,
You never did make known to me your ways