Brutal Attack

The Quest

Brutal Attack

When your feeling beaten and broken 
And you feel that you are standing alone 
Just you remember the fallen 
And those who took the oath 
And feel your heart swell with pride 
As they're conquests remind you of your task 
From this crusade, you must never hide 
You must honour the ghosts from the past 

Realize, your destiny 
Reach up and stand free 
Realize this is the quest 
Stand up and try your best 
Never feel downhearted 
And never give up hope 
Just remember those who started 
Who had the vision, who had the scope 
This here dreams must never die 
We have to realize it's all ours 
And for those who fall, please don't cry 
As old life ebbs, new lift it flowers 
So, come now stand and be counted 
Stand among the warriors proud 
Those who never doubted 
Those who stand free forever unbowed 
Whith the spirits of our fallen brothers 
To guide us in this holy war 
Let's see what the future uncovers 
Once again we here the warriors roar