Brutal Attack

Something is Missing

Brutal Attack

for Ian Stuart Donaldson

Sitting alone, all alone with my thoughts
All the adventures and the battles we fought
All the heartbreaks, all the laughs and the pain
Nothing could ever change me I'd do it all again.

We'll keep on we know no other way
This is our life we live it every day
No matter how hard we try or how we keep wishing
It will always seem to me something's missing.

Have you ever wondered what it is that unites us all
Awakened the fire, made us rally to the call
I know what woke me to realise why I was born
You'll find it in the writings on "Hail the New Dawn".

Now there is an empty space nothing can ever fill
An aching in my heart, nothing can ease and never fill
I know this fight is bigger that any man can ever be
But there will always be something missing, for me.

Sitting alone, all alone with my thoughts
All the adventures and the battles we fought
All the heartbreaks, all the laughs and the pain
Nothing could ever change me I'd do it all again.