What's behind the locked gates, in the palace of your mind, What's goes on inside the walls that makes you oh so blind? Locked away in darkened halls are these memories like demons? Night and day, light and shade like the changing seasons. Nightmare visions, hooded claws, Forgotten fears, behind locked doors. Screaming dreams, a violent reign. Recalling agony, a recurring pain. In the darkened corridors of the tortured labyrinth, Are where forgotten terrors that have remained unseen since. The rage last erupted and the devil inside you roared, The unknown revealed itself and the raven soared. In the high vaulted chambers of your dreams, Is the brightest light that which darkness brings? Do you hear the cloven foot, dance upon the floor? Or hear the muffled cries from behind the door? Confusion reigns, suicidal veins, there is no release, Can you see the blinding light, can you see the way to peace. Would you take the step to end you eternal pain, Who's to say that is the way, is it loss or gain?