CHILDREN TODAY -dont crack from this insanity THINGS ARENT THE SAME-as I remember them to be KIDS theyre growing up too fast INNOCENCE become a thing of the past PRODUCT of their environment All the blame should be directed at the parents Time for a present -you give a toy gun Helps them practise till they get a real one Revenge on a bully-takes a new course Bullet in the head and they feel no remorse SCHOOLS were safe when I was young DANGEROUS now kids are carrying guns HARD ASS TEACHERS BETTER WATCH THEIR STEP ENforce the golden rule and you could end up dead People asking where does it come from Answeres clear -question is dumb Too much information at an early age With too many kids it turns into rage THEY SAY where does it come from I KNOW that thyre not born with it Someone has to accept responsiblity Time to grow up and start being a parent KIDS used to go out and play BUT NOW minds seem to rot away SPARE TIME is spent on video games Staring at a TV set,barely know the alphabet Time has come to melt the toy guns Smash the TVs and deal with reality Return the kids to an age of innocence It looks like were raising a nation of idiots Colaboração: Jef "o lasombra"