Philosophies -of your father george Brainwashed -now they have become yours Religous right-why you always wrong Ready to take over where your daddy left off Went to college -- daddy thought it was right Like a perfect frat boy-you partied every night You squeeked by -- the bottom of your class Daddys taking care of you-hes coverin your ass Chorus -D D D D Daddys little boy School was done-given business after business Beat into the ground- obviously clueless Lilgeorge- with foot in mouth disease he was destined -to end up in dc Daddy and his friends--in the corperations Rigged the polls --helped to dupe the nation At all costs --they push their agenda Pockets lined --by saudi arabia Again in the white house the Bush axis of evil LIE CHEAT STEAL what ever is needed Leads the country straight to war NEVER TOLD THE TRUTH 'BOUT WHAT WERE FIGHTING FOR Is he evil--or is he just conditioned either way--a losing proposition Idiot--with the button to nuecular war HELL BENT TRYING TO SETTLE DADDYS SCORE