HERE WE STAND-The center of the universe The way weve been acting-Situation couldnt get much worse Think about today-no thoughts about tommorrow Ruining the place we live will only end in sorrow CAPITALISM-Greed is what will bring you down In search of mighty dollar-pollution goes into the ground Look to our government to make sense of this mess No ones answering our calls-The planets going to die FUCK THAT -put the situation in our hands REVOLUTION-time to rewrite the master plan Those whining hippies havent done much yet DESTROY-those motherfuckers who are destroying our planet You take the guy whos cutting down the trees in the rainforest We need the trees to breath-now its time to pay for it Uprooting diseases that weve never seen before Potential to wipe us out-who would ever know the horror Then to the companies who are dumping all their waste Mindless pollution of the rivers and lakes Always taking the easy way out Its all about the money,Moneys what is all about ITS TIME ITS TIME TO PAY FOR YOUR CRIMES AGAINST US Why wont the government do its job in this matter The fat cats the keep on getting fatter and fatter Politicians so wrapped up with big business Whos bribing who-its all a bunch of foolishness Cant you see your killing all the trees Im burnin from the ozone hole thats open right above me Your ignorance it makes want to shout Its all about the money.moneys what its all about THINK A LITTLE-Making lots of money THINK A LITTLE-You and the fat cats THINK A LITTLE-Now that youve destroyed the planet THINK A LITTLE-Where you gonna spend your cash