Zealot freak bombed a clinic With a couple people in it He justifies it by saying Desperate times drastic measures You target them,you say they murder You do the same damn thing yourself An eye for an eye,it don't apply here Desperate times drastic measures You're sick in the head,you fooled yourself Abortions your excuse to kill Pathetic way to get attention Desperate times drastic measures Desperate times drastic measures Strong arm tactics that you're using Picket,threaten,shoot and kill Your local preachers got a gun now Desperate times drastic measures You target doctors ,hit the bullseye Without the doctors,they'de still go on Arrows pointed in the wrong direction Desperate times drastic measures Stay out of the womb,away from the clinics Noses out where they dont belong Its hard enough without your 2 cents in Desperate times drastic measures Its a woman choice-no right to get along You put decisions in their hands You know it will get solved The scary thing is you think what your doings right The mothers life it needs protection Now its time to fight-fight How do we deal with these kinds of people Make an example of the one's we've caught Bring them to court,find them guilty Fry their ass-lesson taught Times are hectic as it is We dont need freaks killing for unborn kids It may sound drastic but indeed- Desperate times drastic measures