I walk into my interview- already feeling tense I know that I dont want this job -but my landlord wants his rent Introduced to this guy named wayne -A handsome well groomed gent He asks"Why's this job right for you" -I say"Cause what your paying me is already spent" This job will get your foot in the door -is what they always say The've got your whole life planned for you -10 minute breaks at twice a day When I say I dont want a damn career -I dont think they're impressed Im an Ergophobe-I stand accussed-I'm guilty-I confess I daydream that I'm at a desk-I sit here all day long I'de planned to work here for a year or 2 -But I sense somethings gone wrong I go to splash water on my cheeks -And figure out whats going on In the mens room mirror theres a wrinkled face -Like Rip Van Winkle my life is gone Wayne asks me if I feel alright -I snap out of my dream I'm sweating and I'm short of breath -And I look a little green I shake his hand,bid him adieu -And say"THis job it ain't for me" On the way out I ask to use the phone -And call my temporary agency