The midnight boys are outside Scraping tears up off the street Standin' guard beneath the window Where only Linda sleeps The leader is a kid named Eddie Walkin' like an angel in defeat He trashes her old man's car, slashes Linda's name in the street And calls out CHORUS Linda will you let me be the one Linda will you let me be the one Linda will you let me be the one Linda will you let me be the one In a room full of contenders Eddy spars 'til he drops to his bed and surrenders Draped in the scarves He stole from Linda's bedroom The night he layed at her feet When the midnight boys were stranded Down on Cason Street CHORUS In the basement of St Mary's Eddy hides from the rain In with the stolen sisters 'til the streets are dry again Talkin' fast cars and spare parts Empty homes and hearts Distant worlds with strange girls And kneeling with Linda in the dark CHORUS