i'm on upon i'm gone i'm gone i'm running with luck and truck like duck way south i'll be spread high i fly i try i spy you gunning left turn i learn to spurn your remedy that way ok you say i pay i'm thinking what time what crime who's dime what slime are you that's it i quit no shit i split like lincoln good will i spill to fill that empty shoe that rangeline of trees out there makes me think of balmy air you won't go but i don't care i'll still see you everywhere he'll die i'll cry goodbye goodbye my brother live on respond with calm he said to me ok today i'll stay here with your mother and next week i'll seek to tweak your destiny i know i go i thought i'd see you coming you know i know you know i know you know i know i go i won't let any sun in you know i go to throw him out the door that rangeline of trees you see looks so very good to me for once i reach it i'll be free and whatever will be will be