Make amends with that old friend You swore you'd never talk to again Because you miss him Call up your mom on the telephone Talk a whole lot of nothing til the cows come home And listen Cross every t, dot most the I's Cause years grow wings and fly on by And time slips through your fingers just like sand Cause everything you thought would last forever Never lasts forever, like you plan Don't let your now become a never So take life by the hands while you still can Get your dad to tell that same old joke And laugh between the Jack and coke And hope one day you'll be half as funny Count your blessings, thank the stars Cause in the end who you are It's about the love you give It sure as hell ain't about the money Cause everything you thought would last forever Never lasts forever like you plan Don't let your now become a never So take life by the hands while you still can You just imagine Anything can happen If you live every moment like your last Cause everything you thought would last forever Never lasts forever like you plan Don't let your now become a never So take life by the hands while you still can