Brother's Keeper

Give It Away

Brother's Keeper

You've got this love
You've got this peace and joy inside your heart 
You know that anyone would hold it close if they were smart 
But it just keeps sneaking out this feeling's just too hard to hide 
You want to tell someone so don't keep it locked inside

Give it away set it free like a beautiful butterfly
Watch and see how far it goes
You won't know until you try
Give it away it'll come right back like a bright birthday surprise 
If you want to see the Love of Jesus living before your eyes Give it away

There's always someone who could use a tender word or two
And maybe someone needs a smile from someone just like you 
The way we spread His Love around the world is one by one 
And heaven knows there's quite enough here for everyone


Give it away Sometimes it's so hard to comprehend 
Give it away It's a circle that will never ever end
