Brother Henry

God Is Alive

Brother Henry

Whatever you think
You know God knows it too.
Whatever you think you feel
God feels that too
There's no door you'll ever walk
To that God hasn't already been through
There's no joy or rejection or isolation
That God doesn't already know

God is alive
Reaching out from the future
God is alive
And loving us from the past

Whenever you're feeling
Blue God is there with you
Whenever you're feeling
Low God shares that too
There's no door you'll ever walk
To that God hasn't already been through
There's no pain or relation or inspiration
That God doesn't already know

God is alive
Reaching out from the future
God is alive
And loving us from the past

Next time you're feeling alone
Remember his friends deserted him too
Next time you're feeling triumphant think
Palm branches waving 10,002
Next time you're feeling hurt think of the
Government nailing through his arms
But he did it for you because he loves you
With a love that's bigger than death,
Stronger than hate
Ready to forgive, you can relate
He is our brother, he and our Father
Are calling us home, calling us home,
To a beautiful home

God is alive
And inviting us to his table
God is alive
And calling us on home

God is alive
Reaching out from the future
God is alive
And loving us from the past