Nineveh Oh, Nineveh The Lord is turning toward you Compassion or calamity Will you heed the warning Fall on your knees Tear down your idols When you choose surrender You choose survival Call on His Name Turn from your violence Out of the ashes He will revive You God have mercy God have mercy I know You are a gracious God I know You’re slow to anger But I misunderstood Your love Forgive me God for running You sent a wind Stirred up the ocean Still I rebelled My heart wasn’t open But when I prayed You were there waiting I made a vow To speak Your salvation Nineveh Oh, Nineveh The Lord is turning toward you Holy Spirit help me see Where there is Nineveh in me Turn away Your wrath once more God have mercy Perfect prophet, priest, and King Christ became the reckoning In His body bore my sin Now to all who trust in Him God has mercy God have mercy on us Nineveh Oh, Nineveh The Lord is turning toward you