Bromheads Jacket

Poppy Bird

Bromheads Jacket

Tom: C#m

C#m                                  A
he spied her on the tube and she was wearing a bright red poppy.
E                                                B
her beauty it shone through the silence as the commuters, they tried not to make eye contact.
C#m                                                 A
he'd never seen such a beautiful thing except for in movies or up on billboards.
E                                                B
he'd never seen such a beautiful thing in all his years of travelling these trains.
C#m                                                     A
her shiny brown hair was tucked behind her ears and her big blue eyes pierced right 
her glasses.
    E                                                 B
the book she was reading was of an interesting nature, he knew that he would surely like 
date her one day.

a few more stops to walthamstow.
its just a, a few more stops to walthamstow.
its just a, a few more stops to walthamstow.

and poppy bird, i wonder what your name is.
C#m                                          A
he was a child of a difficult nature, it was compulsive disorder related.
E                                              B
sometimes he would do silly little things like turn the key in the door five times 
he went to bed.
C#m                                              A
in the past he got in some silly situations with girls from school making silly accusations.
E                                                     B
he was through all that and he knew what to do to not get himself into trouble.
C#m                                                      A
he wanted to walk past and just ask her her name and say she's so pretty, he's been 
her on the train.
E                                     B
he was a child of a difficult nature. he was a child of a difficult nature.

a few more stops to walthamstow.
its just a, a few more stops to wathamstow.
its just a, a few more stops to walthamstow.
and poppy bird i wonder, what your name is.

a few more stops to walthamstow.
its just a, a few more stops to wathamstow.
its just a, a few more stops to walthamstow.
and poppy bird i wonder, if I'll ever meet you.

C#m                                               A
he can't believe his luck cos he's in wathamstow, she is leaving the train also.
E                                B
he follows her onto the platform up the stairs and through the barriers.
C#m                                           A
he gets a bit too close and she looks behind. he takes control of himself and walks 
E                                                    B
and now their out and their onto the street and they walk past the top of his road.
   C#m                                        A
it sure is dark and it sure is cold and so he plucks up the courage and starts to make 
        E                                                        B
she can hear his footsteps, her hearts in her throat, should she turn and start to run.
no don't be dumb,
no don't be dumb,
no don't be dumb,
no please don't be dumb.
E                                                  B
he's so close now she waits to be grabbed, and she prays to god that she won't get stabbed.
C#m                                         A
so close now she can feel his breath and he grabs her on the arm and says,
"miss is this your book that you left?"

C#m B E A