Broken Society

Survival Of The Horniest

Broken Society

This place is way too overcrowded 
Sometimes I wish that I could leave 
Why can't we find another planet? 
And leave the fools here to breed 

The human race is being won 
By the ones with the biggest guns 
Nothing in their minds and nothing to offer 
Except of course, mass reproduction 

Condoms, pills, abortions 
Why can't they just choose one? 
We've got to stop this accumulation 
Of unwanted kids to crack-whore moms 

What ever happened to survival only of the fittest? 
Why do we drag along the weak? 
They're slowing down our evolution 
And our future's looking bleak 

What happened to survival only of the fittest? 
Why do we let them multiply? 
They're slowing down our evolution 
Mother nature would let them die